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Carolina Oliveira
2 years ago
Korjuu Interviews - Felipe Noguera from Nordic Lif


1. Nordic Lif is a brand that targets international markets. Do you think the image of purity of Finnish nature helps the acknowledgement of the brand?


It clearly does, our vision rests on a brand foundation of Scandinavian nature, whose purity inspires everything from the flavours and aesthetics of the product to the values of a healthy lifestyle.


The purity of the land, the clean forest and the quality of the water ensure that the sap collected from Finnish birch trees is of uniformly high quality.


The quality of Finnish natural resources has been confirmed by international environmental performance studies. Finland is the world leader in water quality.


2. What are the benefits of birch sap to our lives? How much can people intake, as the beverage contains minerals and natural sugars?


Birch trees thrive in the moist Nordic soil providing the perfect conditions for grasses, mosses, bluebells and violets to grow. Energy and nutrients are stored preparing the tree for winter. Birch trees search harder for moisture adding nutrients during winter while the ground is frozen, absorbing minerals and water from the soil.


Minerals and water are filtered and carried up from the roots to the rest of the tree and are in this season that we tap the tree, collecting birch water with natural Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, and Manganese.


Birch water is high in polyphenol antioxidants, which protect cells against damage from free radicals

100ml of Birch water contains 0,4mg of Manganese (20% NRV). Manganese helps form an antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase (SOD), which protects cells from oxidative damage. It works as a cofactor in development, reproduction, energy production, immune response and the regulation of brain activity.


3. Do you have any plans to have other birch-based products, such as syrup, or alcoholic beverages (wine, beer, mead), historically traditional recipes made from the sap?


We do have some new projects evolving birch water, and it is a work in progress but we see opportunities in birch-based products.


4. How is the process of collection of the birch sap, from the forest to bottling?


In spring there is a window of time to tap the tree. It starts when the temp is mild during the day but below zero at night, during this time a tree absorbs enormous amounts of water. This water is loaded with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins.


The window to tap, which is about 3 weeks, closes once the leaves of the Birch tree start to appear, after this the water becomes bitter due to the presence of chlorophyll.


The tapping is done by drilling a hole into the trunk, which does not harm the health of the tree. It is a sustainable process.


5. Birch sap has been considered one of the most profitable non-timber forest products. Considering agroforestry being one great activity of the Finnish economy, how does Lif see the future for birch sap?


We see a clear trend: natural, sustainable, low-calorie waters taken directly from plants, driven by consumers' increasing demand for healthier, functional beverages, and companies' abilities to deliver compelling products with unique flavors, innovative packaging. and a story to tell. So we hope Birch water is here to stay.



Photo: Nordic Lif

Nordiclif Oy #SupportYourLocals #lähiruoka
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