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Sameer Nyaupane

4 years ago

Korjuu Lesetoils Interview Part1

Korjuu.com interviewing Pekka of Lesetoils about his oat-based beverage product "Selvää kauraa." Part 1. This interview was done by Minh on 12th of September, 2019, at Old Tea Shop (Helsinki, Finland). For more related products of similar nature, visit https://korjuu.com.

Anna-Kaisa Arko

4 years ago

Korjuu Lesetoils Interview Part2

Korjuu.com interviewing Pekka of Lesetoils about his oat-based beverage product "Selvää kauraa." Part 2 (of 2). Interview by Minh on 12th of September, 2019, at Old Tea Shop (Helsinki, Finland).

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Carolina Oliveira
2 years ago
Why the Finnish Breakfast is One of the Best Starts for a Day

Considered to be the most important meal of the day, Finns take their breakfast very seriously. Maybe because, especially during the winter months, it's extra important to feel fulfilled and ready for the day's harsh weather. Or, maybe it's because it's one of the best moments of the day to enjoy so ...


Korjuu.com Oy Paahtimo Papu Flow Bake Flow Bake Taiga Chocolate

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Carolina Oliveira
2 years ago
The 30 Seconds Show: How Social Media Influences Cooking and What You Want to Eat

If you have a smartphone, and any social media, you have encountered at least one short cooking video this past year. And it doesn't matter your age. From 6 to 60 years old, people are more than ever interested in food, and in people cooking.  Platforms such as TikTok are full of content c ...


foodbytwins Sonja Melina #SupportYourLocals

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Carolina Oliveira
2 years ago
How to End Food Waste: Sustainability and the Hospitality Industry

With time, resources are becoming scarcer and more expensive, and overconsumption is one of the biggest problems of present times. As we have discussed before, in the first article about food waste, one-third of all worldwide food production goes to waste. That means we have at least 33 % of respons ...


Korjuu.com Oy

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Carolina Oliveira
2 years ago
Lab-Grown Protein for the Future of the Planet: Not a Science Fiction Movie.

It is estimated that by 2050 there will be about 10 billion people in the world and that the demand for food will increase by about 60 %. The question is whether there are enough resources on Earth to increase food production, especially given the deepening climate and water crises.   Accordi ...


Korjuu.com Oy

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
The Global Interest in Hemp: The Multibillionaire Market of CBD

Known, discussed, and consumed worldwide, cannabis and hemp are two varieties of the same plant species, Cannabis sativa. Hemp is one of the oldest cultivars in the world. Used to make rope, clothes, paper, medicine, food, and more, hemp has been used in China since 8000-7000 BC. Until the 19th cent ...


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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Nordic Superfoods: Nature + Biotechnology = Better Health in DIY Form

Every person that has looked up online health-related topics must have encountered the term "superfood." Not more than a tool to make people recognize nutritious foods that can improve health, it goes from olive oil to green tea, fishes to yogurt, nuts to seeds, and more.    So, the importan ...


Korjuu.com Oy

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Moving to a Circular Economy: Ecological Packaging and the Recycling Model

Following our last article about the circular economy model (click here to read), another topic surrounding it is food packaging. And the connection between packaging and plastics is well known, mostly now as people live the food delivery reality, with snacks arriving at our doorsteps almost daily. ...


Holmen Coffee

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Ethical Consumption and the Effect of Our Choices

What used to be a trend linked to younger and hip generations, now is a global movement shifting the way we consume. Organic, local, ethically produced food, are changing the whole food system by straightening the connection between producer and consumer. With some trustworthy operators connecting b ...


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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Korjuu Interviews - Mirja Palola from Taiga Chocolate

Taiga Chocolate is a reference when it comes to chocolate and Nordic representation. The use of indigenous and domestic ingredients - such as wild berries, and also unusual products as reindeer chips and smelt fish from Lapland - made the brand famous around the world and awarded for the amazing wor ...


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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Moving to a Circular Future: How to End Food Waste and Save the Planet

There are things we can't totally explain, and food waste numbers are one of them: 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted every year in the world. Yes, between 33 to 50 % of all food produced globally is never consumed. Meanwhile, 800 million people go to bed hungry every night.   More than 50 ...


Korjuu.com Oy #SupportYourLocals

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Unchain your Talents: DIY Food Kits

Lately, our crafty side has been unleashed during the pandemic. Many people decided to start baking bread, or to ferment vegetables, or anything adventurous enough at their own kitchen. When it comes to do-it-yourself food trends, Finns has always shown a very crafty side, especially regarding bever ...


Korjuu.com Oy #SupportYourLocals

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Feeding and Educating Children: A 21st Century Battle

We all know the struggle of feeding a child or a teenager properly. We've all passed through this age, or we have a youngster living with us at the moment. The world offers tempting foods, and even though some are too delicious to escape, we could fight the urge to choose a fast-food hamburger (and ...


Korjuu.com Oy #SupportYourLocals

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Food Habits and the Covid-19 Pandemic

For what we know, 2020 is proving to be a very unusual year in many ways. We are still amidst a pandemic, with more than six months living in some kind of parallel reality in which everyone wears masks, and aren't supposed to hug friends, or even give handshakes. But it has been stranger, with peopl ...


Korjuu.com Oy #SupportYourLocals

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Technology + Sustainability: The Upcoming of New Plant-Based Foods

Look at the photo above. It sure looks like meat, right? But no, it's made out of oats. Food science is using tech to solve a problem that mankind will soon face: how to feed the entire planet. As the human population continues to grow, plant-based foods are now explored as one of the best ways to k ...


Korjuu.com Oy

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Carolina Oliveira
3 years ago
Finnish Foods and the International Market

As the world becomes more globalized, imports and exports of foodstuff are expanding worldwide. But Finland is still a great local consumer, buying domestic and responsible products made internally. It shows great respect and awareness of Finns on their foodstuff.  The total value of food ...


Korjuu.com Oy FINNISH PLANT #localfood #lähiruoka

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Carolina Oliveira
4 years ago
The Indulgence Factor: Finns, Sugar, and Salmiakki

The relationship between Finns and sugar is relatively funny, as there are many dissociative things between the standard diet, and the number of sugary foods ingested daily. The Finnish diet is pretty healthy, with many fresh ingredients, lean meats, and whole grains. But at the same time, we can no ...


Korjuu.com Oy

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Carolina Oliveira
4 years ago
Berries and the Health Crisis: Calling Workers to the Field

The year is 2020; we are in the middle of a pandemic. And besides urgent shopping for bread yeast - as bread making is a reality in the quarantine - humanity is facing higher concerns related to the world economy, with the increase of unemployment, closed borders, and companies uncertain of their fu ...


Korjuu.com Oy #localfood #SupportYourLocals

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Carolina Oliveira
4 years ago
10 Foods to Boost your Immune System

In troubling times like the one we are living now, being aware of our own body needs is crucial. Seventy percent of your immune function comes from the healthy bacteria of your gut. And a healthy gut is the result of a balanced diet. These are some micronutrients and antioxidants present in ...


Korjuu.com Oy #organicfood

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Carolina Oliveira
4 years ago
An outsider view on local food in Finland, and the network behind it

It's not difficult for me to say that sometimes I feel like taking baby steps in my journey to explore and discover - remotely - the growing scene of local and indigenous foods in Finland. As a country I didn't know much about, besides Nokia, the Santa Claus home, Lapland, and the northern lights ph ...


Korjuu.com Oy #localfood #SupportYourLocals #lähiruoka

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Anna-Kaisa Arko
5 years ago
Neljä kysymystä Old Tea Shopin Mikko Nygrenille

Me kysyimme ja Old Tea Shopin Mikko Nygren vastasi:

1. Mistä lähti idea perustaa oma teekauppa?

"Tee on 2000-luvun juttu. 1990-luvulla Suomessa ei juuri ollut mitään teehuoneita tai teehen erikoistuneita kauppiaita. Sen sijaan Keski-Euroopassa ja Venäjällä tee on ollut jo aiemminkin kov ...


Old Tea Shop Kevätmessut (1. päivä)

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